Summary of the multi-wavelength observations following the detection of FRB150418 by SUPERB@Parkes illustrating the discovery of a radio afterglow by ATCA (black squares). The upper limits obtained from H.E.S.S. observations are shown as red marker. The black open circles show the renewed radio activity from the region found in VLA observations. The H.E.S.S. results have been published in: H. Abdalla et al. (H.E.S.S. and SUPBERB collaborations), A&A 597 (2016) A115
The frequency-time spectrum of FRB 150215 with the Parkes radio telescope. The time axis is given in milliseconds after 2015 February 15 20:41:41.0. The pulse has been de-dispersed to a best-fit dispersion measure of DM=1105.6 pc/cm^3 and is shown across the 340 MHz of the usable Parkes bandwidth in the bottom panel. The top panel shows the intensity summed over all frequency channels at the best fit DM. From E. Petroff et al., "A highly polarized fast radio burst at low Galactic latitude", accepted by MNRAS
VHE gamma-ray emission around the direction of FRB 150215 as observed with H.E.S.S. The maps shows the significances of the emission with an oversampling radius of 0.1). The circle in the center has a diameter of 14.4' and denotes the width of the Parkes beam in which the burst has been observed. From E. Petroff et al., "A highly polarized fast radio burst at low Galactic latitude", accepted by MNRAS